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Decem-BRRR "Safe & Happy" Holiday Tips

Posted on 12/02/2024
Images include the LA City seal and EMD logo - with snowflakes falling around - and a snowman, a frost-covered car, and a list for New Year's resolutions. TEXT: December 2024 Emergency Management Department Newsletter / Issue 30 / EMD wishes everyone a Safe & Happy Holiday Season! / Resolving to be Prepared / This Decem-Burr, resolve to be prepared by making resolutions for the new year, such as: creating an emergency kit and signing up for NotifyLA.

It's December -- and while the only snowflakes appearing in skies around LA City will likely be on the attached EMD newsletter, store window displays, and holiday cards (designed somewhere EAST of here) -- holiday SAFETY and preparedness is a GIFT for all climates. 


This month's LA City Emergency Management newsletter offers suggestions for cyber-SAFE online shopping and how to keep live holiday trees from becoming home hazards. THEN, as the new year approaches, RESOLVE to have a more-prepared 2025, as well.


AND, watch for this issue (soon-to-be translated into several Angeleno languages, including Korean, Spanish & Tagalog) at:


EMD Newsletter Archive


More great preparedness info is also available there in past issues.