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Individual & Family Readiness: Where will you be when disaster strikes?  The City of Los Angeles is spread over 470 square miles and its terrain is subject to mudslides, brush fires, toxic spills, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Are you prepared if any of those disasters happen where you live, work, or play?  Find out what can happen, and more importantly, what you can do about it.

Download the City of Los Angeles official household Emergency Preparedness Guide, as well as a helpful Quick Reference Guide and emergency supply checklists from the "Ready Your LA Neighborhood" (RYLAN) website. 

City of LA Emergency Preparedness Guide /  Imaage of a City skyline with a group of people facing and looking at it.
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Cover image of the LA City Emergency Preparedness Guid Quikc Reference for Households with an image of family members playing and laughing in a backyard. Also shows the logos of Emergency Management and the City, plus the emblem of Ready Your LA Neighborhood.
Quick Reference for Households

Dependents & Those with Disabilities & Access/Functional Needs (DAFN): Emergencies and disasters are challenging enough for most of us. So what happens to people that have bigger challenges? Learn about helping children, the elderly, people with DAFN requirements, and view the guide for helping them at Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities.

Business & Industry Preparedness: The safety and security of Angelenos is the City's highest priority. However, emergencies and disasters continue to take a toll long after the smoke has cleared. Learn how to prepare your business and your employees to respond and recover from disasters at Ready Your LA Business

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Take your preparedness to the next level. CERT training will teach you skills that can keep you and your family safe and help you help others in your neighborhood. Reinforce your preparedness and awareness.

Tsunami Preparedness: A tsunami is a series of large waves, usually caused by an earthquake. The first wave may not be the largest and the timing between them may vary from minutes to several hours apart. In Los Angeles, the impact of a tsunami will vary based on the terrain at The TsunamiZone

Homeland Security: Motivated by the 9/11 tragedy, the U.S. government enhanced domestic security by combining and streamlining several protection agencies.  Visit the Department of Homeland Security to learn more about what's being done at the national level to keep us safe.