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Business Operations Center

Support City of Los Angeles EMD Disaster Relief Efforts

LA City Emergency Management has designated the Pacific Battleship Center -- the established 501c3 non-profit that owns and operates the National Museum of the Surface Navy at the Battleship Iowa as well as Los Angeles Fleet Week -- to facilitate the donation of funds, grants, and in-kind products or services for the benefit and support of the City’s emergency management efforts. To donate or find out more, visit: 

EMD Disaster Relief

The Business Operations Center or BOC is a partnership between the private and non-profit sectors with the City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department. Business and non-profit partners serve as a critical component in emergency response and work together to address the critical needs of the Los Angeles community.


The BOC may be requested to serve as an active operational component of the City of Los Angeles Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

The fundamental goal is to continue to enhance the quality and effectiveness of the City’s response capabilities by augmenting resources and providing situational awareness reporting to the private and non-profit sectors.

The BOC may collaborate with external agencies -- such as local government emergency response teams, nonprofit organizations, or contractors -- to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated response.


The BOC serves as a centralized hub that contributes to the recovery efforts of an organization during and after a disaster or crisis. Its primary goal is to ensure business continuity, minimize disruption, and facilitate the efficient response to any emergency situation. It ensures that critical business functions are prioritized, and that resources are allocated efficiently to maintain those functions.

The BOC tracks the progress of the disaster response, including monitoring the severity of the disaster, the impact on business operations, and ongoing recovery efforts.

In summary, the Business Operations Center is an essential element for any organization’s disaster recovery strategy, ensuring a fast, coordinated, and effective response to minimize impact and facilitate business continuity.


Ready Your LA Business

Business owners have a passion for what they do. It’s part of who they are. And it’s likely a primary source of income after years of hard work. But if an emergency happened, all this hard work could be lost in minutes.

Of course, business owners want to protect their business, but many of them might not know where to start or are overwhelmed by the information. Or they might be too busy and don’t have time to think about emergency preparedness. 

That’s why we are here to help with our Ready Your LA Business Emergency Preparedness Workbook.

The Ready Your LA Business Program guides business owners through the preparation process so that their business has the capability to operate critical functions before, during, and after an emergency. 

By having an emergency disaster plan and a business continuity plan in place, businesses will have a higher chance of survival and recover faster from a disaster. 

Business owners will achieve the following with the completion of the Ready Your LA Business program:

  • Learn about potential hazards that are major risks in their area
  • Be able to address the steps to create a safer work environment and educate their employees on procedures
  • Obtain the resources to rebuild their business, connect with their employees, suppliers, vendors, insurance contacts, etc. 
  • Track the damage to their business, file insurance claims, and recover their assets
  • Utilize the Workbook to create their Business Continuity Plan

Download Ready Your LA Business materials and training videos.