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Emergency Operations Board

The Emergency Operations Board (EOB) supervises the City's Emergency Operations Organization (EOO) during all periods of emergency preparation, response,  and recovery. The Los Angeles Administrative Code empowers the EOB to make and enforce all necessary rules and regulations necessary for governing the EOO. EOO policies and procedures are contained in the Emergency Operations Master Plan and Procedures (Master Plan), its many annexes, and the EOO Policy and Procedures Manual.

The EOB consists of the general managers of the Police, Fire, Airports, Building and Safety, the City Administrative Officer, Emergency Management, General Services, Harbor, Information Technology Agency, Personnel, Recreation and Parks, Transportation, Water and Power departments, a Public Works Commissioner, and the Chief Legislative Analyst.

The City’s Chief of Police is the permanent chair of the EOB. The Fire Chief is vice-chair. The general manager of the Emergency Management Department is the EOO Coordinator and is responsible for coordinating non-emergency EOO activities. The City Attorney is the legal advisor to the EOB. The assistant general manager of Emergency Management is the EOB Executive Assistant.

Download the EOB Membership Roster


City of Los Angeles Emergency Operations Master Plan and Procedures, Section 3.5.2 states:

"In the event of a major emergency which may result in the declaration of a local emergency, the EOB shall be convened as rapidly as possible to coordinate response and establish consensus on the best operational strategies to be utilized in controlling the disaster. Additional meetings of the EOB shall be convened as necessary to provide policy level direction throughout the response and recovery phases of the disaster."

For information about the Emergency Operations Board, call 213-484-4800.

The EOB normally meets six times per year on the third Thursday of odd-numbered months (January, March, etc.).  Meetings are open to the public via telephone connection including provisions for public comment.  Please check out the link below for specific meeting dates and more information, including agendas, related documents, public access telephone number for each meeting, and an online public comment form.

EOB Meeting Agendas

EOB Meeting Agendas Archive

EOB Meeting Minutes

EOB Meeting Minutes Archive