You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Name Email Address Phone Number Enrollment Status Currently Enrolled (degree in progress) Graduated (degree completed) Highest Level of Education Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctoral Degree Current Enrolled Degree Bachelor's Master's Doctoral Degree (Completed) What is the highest degree you have completed? (Example: Master of Public Policy, Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice) Degree (In Progress) What degree are you currently pursuing? (Example: Master of Public Health, Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs) Date of Graduation When did you complete your most recent degree program? Anticipated Graduation Date When do you anticipate completing your current degree program? EMD Fellowship Self-Assessment Essay The self-assessment essay should be 250-500 words in length. EMD will evaluate your essay based on your writing's development, depth, and organization, your current and future role in emergency management and homeland security, and the importance you place on your future in the field after completing your fellowship. Your essay should address: Your reasons for seeking a fellowship in emergency management, What you believe will be your future contributions to the field of emergency management; and What you would hope to accomplish during your fellowship with EMD. We will use the information you provide about your experience, motivation, and intentions to assess your potential contributions to the future of the department and field. To score high on the self-assessment essay, you must demonstrate an understanding of homeland security and emergency management (as you define the terms). Your experiences described in the paper and your resume should demonstrate a solid commitment to public service. The essay and examples should stress the relevance of your current position or education as it relates to public service and the impact you want to have. EMD Fellowship Self-Assessment Essay Limited to 3000 characters CAPTCHA Submit Leave this field blank