Posted on 02/15/2024

Return to Storm Recovery Assistance
Frequently Asked Questions After The Storm
I reported my storm damage estimates online to the LA County Damage Assessment Survey. How soon will we know if our area qualifies for individual financial assistance from the State or Federal government?
Though completion of that survey doesn't guarantee LA City or County will qualify, each significant property damage reported increased that possibility for those impacted. As the recovery process continues, Los Angeles officials are waiting to hear back from the State and Federal governments on the status of a presidential disaster declaration regarding the February Storms. Assistance available to individuals will vary based on what (if any) declarations are made.
If I have mud in my yard what do I do?
Angelenos can report damage to 311. The Department of Building and Safety is authorized to go and assess reports of damage. In the end, however, private property owners are responsible for debris removal from their own lots.
Mud or debris from a neighbor's yard or other nearby property is encroaching on mine. Who can I report this to for assistance?
Though storms may have passed, continue to call 311 to report developments from land movement, or file a complaint with the City's Department of Building and Safety, which can help determine clean-up responsibility.
(Note: It is important to remove mud and debris as quickly as possible, especially if it has reached building walls. Further slippage can put pressure on structures and cause more expensive damage). Find more slide-damage information from the American Red Cross, here.
What if there is a broken water pipe in my apartment or home?
Floodwaters damage materials, leaving mud, silt and contaminants that can promote the growth of mold. You need to safely and thoroughly dry your home to reduce these hazards and the damage they cause. LADWP recommends having an emergency supply of water in case the pipe infrastructure in your area receives damage during an emergency. Find disaster preparedness resources from LADWP here.
If my house has damages, where can I receive assistance now?
Angelenos are urged to contact their insurance company and document their damage. Document every loss and expense. Take photos after each incidence of rain-related damage, keep receipts and contact your insurance agent. A recovery plan can take these things into account and help you make the most of your time and money.
How do I find out which roads are closed?
The city maintains an Interactive Road Closure map.
What if my backyard is stable, but I'm worried it's about to collapse? Where can I find help?
We recommend Angelenos to seek advice from a geotechnical expert. A professional can advise on the best ways to prevent or reduce landslide risk without creating further hazards.
My house was yellow or red tagged, what do I do? Where do I get updates from?
If evacuated, return home only when it has been indicated and safe to do so. Contact the Department of Building and Safety at (213) 473-3231 (or call the inspector whose number is listed on the building's tag) for a status report or to update them on your repairs towards tag removal. Find more information on how to determine when there is a threat of flash flooding and debris flows here.
How can I prepare for future flooding?
During the storm season, local Fire Stations offer free sand and sandbags. Find your local station here.
How to report a power outage?
1-800-DIAL DWP (1-800-342-5397)
Available 24/7 for emergency and outage callsHearing/Speech Impaired (TDD) (1-800-432-7397)