Posted on 08/21/2024

Summer may be nearly over, but LA City may heat up -- again!
When local heat becomes excessive, LA City cooling centers will be augmented with additional hours and services, to be announced.
Be Personally Prepared:
Keep cool by resting in shady areas or buildings with air conditioning and drinking plenty of water. If you do not live in an air-conditioned building, you can take refuge from the heat at a public library, recreation facility, senior center or other public air-conditioned building near you.
You may also call 3-1-1 to identify the cooling centers closest to you, visit LA City Recreation and Parks website, or view the LA County map of cooling center locations which also shows hours of operation. Many pools and splash pads at your local Recreation and Parks locations will be available during this period of excessive heat -- you can find their hours of operation and locations at LA Parks Aquatics.
Help Your Community Prepare:
Check up on relatives and neighbors, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions or are sensitive to heat. Let them know the heat is coming and the ways to stay safe. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances.

If You Must be Outside:
Take extra precautions if you work, exercise, or spend time outside. Whenever possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening, or until this period of extreme heat is over. Learn the symptoms of heat exhaustion vs. heat stroke to help you help others.
To reduce risk during outdoor work, OSHA recommends frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments and staying hydrated. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. Employers must provide access to sufficient water.
Heat stroke is a life-threatening emergency- Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location, and then immediately call 911. Non-emergency heat-related information can be found by calling 3-1-1.