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Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

The City of Los Angeles completed and enacted its most recent Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) in 2024 to lessen the vulnerability to disasters, and demonstrate the City’s commitment to reducing risks from natural hazards.  The LHMP serves as a guide for decision makers as they commit City resources to minimize the effects of natural hazards. The plan is intended to integrate with existing planning mechanisms such as building and zoning regulations, long-range planning mechanisms, and environmental planning. The planning process includes conducting a thorough hazard vulnerability analysis, creating community disaster mitigation priorities, and developing subsequent mitigation strategies and projects.  

This completed plan -- as approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) -- makes the City eligible to apply for grant funding. Awarded funds may them be used to reduce the City's vulnerability to disasters and helps break the cycles of disaster within its many communities, ensuring a sustainable future for future  generations.

Download the LA City Hazard Mitigation Plan