The Emergency Management Department periodically reviews helpful sites external to the City of Los Angeles and provides links to them here. This is done as a service to Angelenos, however, inclusion of such links in no way constitutes an endorsement of those sites or their host organization. Commercial sites may be included -- also as a service. This does not imply that any LA City agency or department endorses the products or services they offer.*
Active Shooter Situations ("Run, Hide, Fight")
Energy Conservation
Public Health
- LA County Dept. of Public Health
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
- "Live Another Day" - Substance Abuse/Mental Health
- Association of State Floodplain Managers
- National Weather Service (NWS) / Hydrologic Development
- FEMA / Flood Insurance
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- FEMA Earthquake Preparedness Resources
- Southern California Earthquake Center
- United States Geological Survey
- U.S. Fire Administration
- California Earthquake Authority (CEA)
- LA City Fire Department
- CEA "Strengthen Your House" Program
Extreme Heat
Chemical Hazards
Disaster Preparedness for Children
Federal Disaster Assistance Resources
Homeland Security / Cybersecurity
- U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
- DHS National Terrorism Advisory System
- U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
Persons with Disabilities
Pet Preparedness
- LA Department of Animal Services
- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - LA
- - Pets & Disasters
- The Humane Society
Preparedness Tips
- Ready Your LA Neighborhood (RYLAN)
- UCLA Center for Public Health & Disasters
- CORE Response California Disaster Response Videos
- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT-LA)
- Deaf & Disabled Telecommunications
Other Agencies/Organizations *(see disclaimer above)
- Association of Continuity Planners
- American Red Cross, Los Angeles Region
- Business & Industry Council for Emergency Planning & Preparedness
- California Specialized Training Institute
- CISA Emergency Communications
- Earthquakes & Megacities Initiative
- Emergency Network Los Angeles
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- International Association of Emergency Managers
- LA County Office of Emergency Management
- LA Unified School District - Emergency Management
- NWS Forecast Office - Los Angeles area
- The Salvation Army
- Caltech Seismological Laboratory
- California Office of Emergency Services