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Community Readiness

Group of citizens and emergency management department employees

The City of Los Angeles cannot be truly prepared without a prepared community. This is achieved first and foremost with:

PERSONAL & FAMILY READINESS – It is your responsibility. Only you can ensure you are ready. Being ready means learning about the various types of disasters that affect Los Angeles and assembling emergency supply kits for our homes, places of employment, and cars. It means having and practicing a family disaster plan that includes emergency procedures for when you are home and when family members are away or at school. Your emergency supply kit and your plan should reflect personal sustainability for a minimum of 72 hours. The needs of small children, seniors, family members with disabilities, and pets should be included in this planning process. Being prepared helps ensure you will be better equipped to respond appropriately when disaster strikes.

NEIGHBORHOOD READINESS – Your neighbor could be your first responder. Take time now to meet and talk to your neighbors about the importance of preparedness.  Think what would happen if you are stranded in your neighborhood for days or weeks.  Getting to know those nearby and discovering the skills and resources within your community could very well save your life. Free Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is available through the LA Fire Department.

NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS – Many Angelenos are looking for ways to make a difference in their communities on the issues they care about, including disaster readiness. Participating in one of this City's 99 neighborhood councils is one way residents, business owners, and property owners can advocate directly for real change in their communities. Neighborhood councils are LA City-certified advisory boards made up of people who live, work, own property or have some other connection to a neighborhood. For more information on how to get involved or to see a list the 99 Los Angeles neighborhood councils, visit
In addition, learn what resource organizations and trainings are available and how to access them.  Find out which organizations and services are already in your area.  Make a list and distribute them to your block group or share with your neighbors.  One call to City Hall 3-1-1 is a great resource. The County of Los Angeles also has a 2-1-1 information number. Here are a few tips to getting your plan started:

American Red Cross - Los Angeles Region offers CPR and Disaster Relief Shelter certification - Phone: (310) 445-2688

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) - Website: - Phone: (213) 202-3136  

Take online FEMA Emergency Management Institute courses