As of 2 PM, September 12, the National Weather Service-Los Angeles holds these near-term projections for LA City and nearby County areas:
"The cool-down will continue over the next several days, turning (even) cooler next week. Temperatures could be 10-20 degrees below normal by early next week. Periods of gusty west-to-north winds will impact the high terrain. There will be a chance for light showers, Sunday into Monday."
More details at National Weather Service-LA/Oxnard
Tips for Keeping Cool from @ReadyLA and @LACityView35
When Cooling Centers Activate
During extended periods of excessive heat, LA City opens dedicated cooling centers and posts their locations and hours of operations here as well as on @ReadyLA social media platforms and many other City websites.
Most often these centers will be at specific City Recreation and Parks facilities, selected by availability, and location -- but also based on perceived need. However, most other City park locations can offer shelter and cooling throughout the summer, during their regular business hours.
Pets at Augmented Cooling Centers
LA City's Recreation and Parks’ facilities are pet-friendly cooling centers.
Dogs must be on a leash and all pets must be accompanied by their owner at all times. Kennels will be provided upon request.
For more information, email -- or call 3-1-1.
And, when it's hot outside, ALL 70+ City Public Library branches are ALSO available for cooling and shelter during their regular business hours.
Central and regional branches are also open every Sunday, from 1 to 5pm.
Locations: Central (Downtown), Arroyo Seco, Expo Park, Hollywood, Mid-Valley, North Hollywood, West LA and West Valley.
[For LA City Public Library branches that can be used as cooling centers - only service animals are allowed].
City Cooling Centers Serve Many
Since July 3, City dedicated centers have been activated for 27 days, helping nearly 4,400 Angelenos and many dozens of their pets keep out of the sun and avoid heat-related illnesses.
Uncounted thousands more found relief, rest and hydration at 200 other local parks and library locations during regular business hours.
LA City Pools and Splash Pads
Find locations of LA City Department of Recreation & Parks summer pools and splash pads -- check for hours and availability at links.
For more information on LA City cooling facilities:
Call the Recreation & Parks Dept. general info line - (213) 202-2700
Call the LA Public Library Information Office - (213) 228-7555
Call 3-1-1 within the City
The City Department on Disability works to provide reasonable accommodation to ensure accessibility and effective communications for people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs at cooling centers.
City facilities that offer cooling for the public are usually served by one or more LA DOT Dash and/or Metro bus lines.
Find MORE public and accessible transit options which can travel to nearby cool spots and centers, at:
Metro Micro
Access LA
HeatRelief4LA's interactive map shows hydration stations & nearby places to avoid the heat:
Cool Spots LA
Find many more ways to stay healthy & cool in @ReadyLA's "Summer Heat Relief" newsletter -- NOW available in several languages.
EMD Summer 2024 Newsletter
For cooling centers in LA County areas nearby & activated LA City cooling centers, see the interactive map (or download a list):
Traveling in California? Find statewide cooling centers.
CALOES State Cooling Center List
Report damage to public spaces (fallen trees, downed wires, potholes, street flooding, etc.) to LA City's 311 Call Center and connect to a wide variety of non-emergency City services and general information.
Service requests during weather emergencies may be made by calling 311 (or 213-473-3231), visiting, or using the MyLA311 mobile app.
And always call 911 for life-threatening issues, including heat stroke.
Emergency Maps
When City emergencies occur that pose significant threats to large numbers of people, their property, or the environment, this map will populate with alerts and relevant event locations. Check local news and LAFD or LAPD websites and social media for information about smaller, localized events. To receive all-incident emergency alerts in your area register for NotifyLA